
October 30, 2012


Filed under: news — jaspar @ 7:43 am





10 30 12 Superpower Death Watch





[ Letter ]


Bretton Woods Redivivus [Revived]





NYT [New York Times] (October 25, 2012) reports:


A Treasury economist rummaging in the department’s library has stumbled on a historical treasure hiding in plain sight: a transcript of the Bretton Woods conference in 1944 that cast the foundations of the modern international monetary system.


*Historians had never known* that a transcript existed for the event held in the heat of World War II, when delegates from 44 allied nations fighting Hitler gathered in the mountains of New Hampshire to create the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.  But there were three copies in archives and libraries around Washington that had never been made public, until now.








URL to:






Proceedings and Documents of the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, July 1-22, 1944


If you wish, download separately the two volumes.










United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference




JULY 1-22, 1944


Vol. I








Pages 70, 71 of .pdf


Document 40


(p. 1)


U N I T E D  N A T I O N S  M O N E T A R Y  A N D  F I N A N C I A L  C O N F E R E N C E


Inaugural Plenary Session


July 1, 1944


Assembly Hall, 3:00 p.m.



Dr. [Warren] Kelchner[, Chief of the Division of International Conferences]: The United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference is hereby convened.  It is the generally accepted practice for the host government to designate the temporary president of an international conference held under its auspices. Accordingly President Roosevelt has designated as temporary president of this Conference the Honorable Henry L. Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.




Pages 78, 79 of .pdf


(p. 10)




Secretary Morgenthau: The Chair recognizes the Chairman of the Delegation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [M. S. Stepanov, Deputy People’s Commissar of Foreign Trade].


The Honorable M. S. Stepanov: Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen:


On behalf of the Delegation of the Soviet Union I have the pleasure to greet the Monetary and Financial Conference of the United and Associated Nations, which was initiated by the Government of the United States.  The present Conference is taking place in time of great significance when the democratic peoples are fighting against aggressors and when the armed forces of the Allies are delivering crushing and powerful blows to Hitlerite Germany from the East and from the West.  I would like to draw your attention to the great work which has been done by the Secretary of the United States Treasury, Mr. Morgenthau, his assistants and experts, the work which made this Conference possible.


On behalf of the Delegation of the Soviet Union I second the motion of the Chairman of the Mexican Delegation to nominate Mr. Morgenthau, the Secretary of the United States Treasury, as the permanent chairman of the Monetary and Financial Conference of the United and Associated Nations.


(p. 11) (Secretary Morgenthau was thereupon elected Permanent President of the Conference.)





Pages 1107, 1108, 1110, 1111, 1116, 1117, 1118,   1119, 1120 of .pdf


Document 547


(p. 1)


Verbatim Minutes of the Closing Plenary Session


(July 22, 1944, 9:45 p.m.)

The President ( Secretary Morgenthau ) : The final Plenary Session please come to order.  Everybody kindly take a seat.


I have just received word that the Soviet Union has decided to increase its subscription to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development from $900,000,000 originally agreed upon to the amount of $1,200,000,000.


By this step, the Soviet Union has carried even further its collaboration toward the success of this Conference and toward assuring international collaboration in solving the post-war problems of the world.  The solution of these future problems will have the inestimable support of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.


Gentlemen, the announcement which you have heard tonight is, in my estimation, one which is fraught with more significance and more hopeful meaning for the future of the world than any which those of us here have heard so far.


I recognize the Delegate of the United States, Judge [Frederick Moore] Vinson [then Director of the Office of Economic Stabilization]. 


Judge Vinson (United States): Mr. President, when the word came to the enemy countries that the United Nations were to hold this Conference looking toward the stabilization and restoration of a ravaged world and the development of the world they must have been informed of the solidarity of the United Nations.  It must have shown to them that the United Nations are not only competent of winning the war but they plan for a better world after the war.  Mr. President, tonight, when we approach the completion of our task and when we have such heartening messages, terror must reach the heart of the enemy countries.


Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that on page B27 of Annex B, which deals with the Bank for Reconstruction and Development, opposite the name of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the figures “900” be stricken and in lieu thereof the figures “1200” be inserted, and that in the total figures “8,800,000,000” be stricken and in lieu thereof the figures “9,100,000,000” be inserted, and that if amendment be necessary in any other portion of the Annex of the document that authority be given by this Conference to amend in conformity with the unanimous consent request.


We march to victory together.  We march on the paths of peace together.



The President: Delegates, you have heard the proposal of Judge Vinson asking for unanimous consent.  All those in favor please signify by saying “Aye”.




The President : Contrary-minded?




(p. 2)


The request is granted and the text is so amended.


The President: I now call on the Delegate of the United Kingdom, Lord [John Maynard] Keynes.


(Lord Keynes, upon arising, was accorded an ovation, everyone present standing, after which he read his remarks.)


Lord Keynes : Mr. President, I feel it a signal honor that I am asked to move the acceptance of the Final Act at this memorable Conference.


(p. 3)




Mr. President, I move to accept the Final Act.


The President: Ladies and gentlemen, there is little that I can say to compliment Lord Keynes on his sprightly, wise, homely, and generous remarks. I feel that they will go a long way in the world, helping us to get many people in many countries to appreciate what the task is that we have before us getting the various governments to accept the work we have done here.  I thank you, Lord Keynes.


I now call on the Delegate of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to second this motion.


Mr. Stepanov: (Translation) Mr. President, the Final Act is being presented to the attention of the Closing Session of the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference.


We, the representatives of 44 democratic nations, have elaborated this Act in a friendly atmosphere. The questions which we deliberated upon at Bretton Woods were very difficult and complex, they gave rise to the prolonged discussions inevitable in a meeting of this nature.  Nor could it be otherwise at a Conference


(p. 4)


of the representatives of democratic countries who freely express their opinions.


However, of great weight and value is the fact that although on separate questions some of us maintained own points of view, the Conference has nevertheless successfully worked out draft agreements for the establishment of the Fund and the Bank which are now submitted for the consideration of the governments of the countries represented here.


As regards the amount of the USSR subscription to the capital of the Bank, as you have already heard from Mr. Morgenthau, the USSR, willing to meet the wishes of some other delegations at the Conference and in particular the wishes of Mr. Morgenthau, has decided to determine the amount of the USSR subscription to the capital of the Bank at 1,200 million dollars.


The stabilization of the currencies of the various countries, the expansion of world trade, the balancing of international payments, long-term capital investments intended for the reconstruction and development of the democratic nations and especially for the restoration of economy of those countries which suffered severely from enemy occupation and hostilities -—all these aspirations will have exceptional importance for the post-war organization of the world and for the maintenance and strengthening of peace and security.


This Conference has sat during the course of very significant days -—our Allied forces in northern France and Italy achieve notable successes in their struggle against the Hitlerite armed forces, while the Red Army in the East with terrific speed smashes the Wehrmacht back along hundreds of miles of battle front.


The Red Army closely approached the pre-war borders of Germany—East Prussia.  And not far off is the day when all the occupied countries will be completely liberated from the Fascist yoke.


The peoples of these countries will then remember the efforts of the United Nations leading to the maintenance of peace and security after the war.


Among these efforts a place of honor is occupied by the work of this Conference.  As declared in the Final Act, the Conference has recommended that in carrying out the policies of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, special consideration should be given to the needs of countries which have suffered from enemy occupation and hostilities.


Taking this opportunity, I wish to express my gratitude to the President of this Conference, The Honorable Henry Morgenthau, for his brilliant leadership of the Conference which has ensured its successful accomplishment.


I second the motion of Lord Keynes, the Chairman of the U.K. Delegation, and appeal to the Conference to accept the Final Act and to submit it to the respective Governments for consideration,


(p. 5)


The President: You have heard the very fine address of the Delegate from the Soviet Socialist Republics.  There is very little that I can add to the previous remarks that I have made, namely, that this has demonstrated to the world that the Soviet Republic is ready to take its place in the post-war world alongside the rest of the 44 nations.






The President:




Now if you will bear with me for just a minute, we have time on the radio for the United States beginning in two minutes and Mr. Souza Costa has very kindly permitted me to make my address to you now before he gives his.  So would you mind just relaxing until the Columbia Broadcasting Company is on the air.





I am gratified to announce that the Conference at Bretton Woods has successfully completed the task before it.


It was, as we knew when we began, a difficult task, involving complicated technical problems.  We came here to work out methods which would do away with the economic evils —the competitive currency devaluation and destructive impediments to trade— which preceded the present war.  We have succeeded in that effort.


The actual details of an international monetary and financial agreement may seem mysterious to the general public.  Yet at the heart of it lie the most elementary bread and butter realities of daily life.  What we have done here in Bretton Woods is to devise machinery by which men and women everywhere can freely exchange, on a fair and stable basis, the goods which they produce through their labor.  And we have taken the initial steps through which the nations of the world will be able to help one another in economic development to their mutual advantage and for the enrichment of all.


The representatives of the 44 nations faced differences of opinion frankly, and reached an agreement which is rooted in genuine understanding. None of the nations represented here has altogether had its own way.  We have had to yield to one another not in respect to principles or essentials but in respect to methods and procedural details. The fact that we have done so, and that we have done it in a continuing spirit of good will and mutual trust, is, I believe, one of the hopeful and heartening portents of our times.  Here is a sign blazoned upon the horizon, written large upon the threshold of the future —a sign for men in battle, for men at work in mines and mills, and in the fields, and a sign for women whose hearts have been burdened and anxious lest the cancer of war assail yet another generation —a sign that the peoples of the earth are learning how to join hands and work in unity.


There is a curious notion that the protection of national interests and the development of international cooperation are conflicting philosophies —that somehow or other men of different nations cannot work together without sacrificing the interests of their particular nations.  There has been talk of this sort —and from people who ought to know better— concerning the international cooperative nature of the undertaking just completed at Bretton Woods.  I am perfectly certain that no delegation to this Confer-


(p. 9)


ence has lost sight for a moment of the particular national interests it was sent here to represent.   The American Delegation which I have had the honor of leading, has at all times been conscious of its primary obligation —the protection of American interests.  And the other representatives here have been no less loyal or devoted to the welfare of their own people.


Yet none of us has found any incompatibility between devotion to our own countries and joint action.  Indeed, we have found on the contrary that the only genuine safeguard for our national interests lies in international cooperation.  We have come to recognize that the wisest and most effective way to protect our national interests is through international cooperation —that is to say,

through united effort for the attainment of common goals.  This has been the great lesson taught by the war and is, I think, the great lesson of contemporary life— that the peoples of the earth are inseparably linked to one another by a deep, underlying community of purpose.  This community of purpose is no less real and vital in peace than in war, and cooperation is no less essential to its fulfillment.


To seek the achievement of our aims separately through the planless, senseless rivalry that divided us in the past, or through the outright economic aggression which turned neighbors into enemies, would be to invite ruin again upon us all. Worse, it would be once more to start our steps irretraceably down the steep, disastrous road to war.  That sort of extreme nationalism belongs to an era that is dead.  Today the only enlightened form of national self-interest lies in international accord.  At Bretton Woods we have taken practical steps toward putting this lesson into practice in the monetary and economic field.


I take it as an axiom that after this war is ended no people —and therefore no government of the people— will again tolerate prolonged and widespread unemployment.  A revival of international trade is indispensable if full employment is to be achieved in a peaceful world and with standards of living which will permit the realization of men’s reasonable hopes.


What are the fundamental conditions under which commerce among the nations can once more flourish?


First, there must be a reasonably stable standard of international exchange to which all countries can adhere without sacrificing the freedom of action necessary to meet their internal economic problems. 


This is the alternative to the desperate tactics of the past —competitive currency depreciation, excessive tariff barriers, uneconomic barter deals, multiple currency practices and unnecessary exchange restrictions—- by which governments vainly sought to maintain employment and uphold living standards.  In the final analysis, these tactics only succeeded in contributing to worldwide depression and even war.  The International Fund agreed upon at Bretton Woods will help remedy this situation.


(p. 10)


Second, long-term financial aid must be made available at reasonable rates to those countries whose industry and agriculture have been destroyed by the ruthless torch of an invader or by the heroic scorched-earth policy of their defenders.


Long-term funds must be made available also to promote sound industry and increase industrial and agricultural production in nations whose economic potentialities have not yet been developed.  It is essential to us all that these nations play their full part in the exchange of goods throughout the world. 


They must be enabled to produce and to sell if they are to be able to purchase and consume.  The Bank for International Reconstruction and Development is designed to meet this need.


Objections to this Bank have been raised by some bankers and a few economists.  The institutions proposed by the Bretton Woods Conference would indeed limit the control which certain private bankers have in the past exercised over international finance.  It would by no means restrict the investment sphere in which bankers could engage.  On the contrary, it would greatly expand this sphere by enlarging the volume of international investment and would act as an enormously effective stabilizer and guarantor of loans which they might make.  The chief purpose of the Bank for International Reconstruction and Development is to guarantee private loans made through the usual investment channels.  It would make loans only when these could not be floated through the normal channels at reasonable rates. The effect would be to provide capital for those who need it at lower interest rates than in the past and to drive only the usurious money lenders from the temple of international finance.  For my own part I cannot look upon this outcome with any sense of dismay.


Capital, like any other commodity, should be free from monopoly control, and available upon reasonable terms to those who will put it to use for the general welfare.


The Delegates and Technical Staffs at Bretton Woods have completed their portion of the job.  They sat down together, talked as friends and perfected plans to cope with the international monetary and financial problems which all their countries face. These proposals now must be submitted to the Legislatures and the peoples of the participating nations.  They will pass upon what has been accomplished here.


The result will be of vital importance to every one in every country.  In the last analysis, it will help determine whether or not people have jobs and the amount of money they are to find in their weekly pay envelopes.  More important still, it concerns the kind of world in which our children are to grow to maturity.  It concerns the opportunities which will await millions of young men when at last they can take off their uniforms and come home and roll up their sleeves and go to work.


This monetary agreement is but one step, of course, in the broad program of international action necessary for the shaping of


(p. 11)


a free future.  But it is an indispensable step and a vital test of our intentions.


Incidentally, tonight we had a dramatic demonstration of these intentions.  Tonight the Soviet Government informed me, through Mr. Stepanov, Chairman of its Delegation here in Bretton Woods, that it has authorized an increase in its subscription to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to $1,200,000,000. This was done after a subscription of $900,000,000 had been agreed upon unanimously by the Conference. By this action, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is voluntarily taking a greatly increased responsibility for the success of this Bank in the post-war world.  This is an indication of the true spirit of international cooperation demonstrated throughout this Conference.


We are at a crossroads, and we must go one way or the other.


The Conference at Bretton Woods has erected a signpost —a signpost pointing down a highway broad enough for all men to walk in step and side by side.  If they will set out together, there is nothing on earth that need stop them.





Now, you may be able to appreciate why


The World Tyrant’s

“Historians had never known that a transcript existed for the event held in the heat of World War II….”













1942-1943 James Byrnes

1943-1945 Fred M. Vinson

1945-1946 William H. Davis



REAL Soviet Union led by Lenin and Stalin ->  1917 – 1956


FAKE Soviet Union led by Khrushchov and successor revisionists ->  1956 – 1991


New Russian Empire ->  1991 to date







UBS set to exit fixed income, fire 10,000 bankers





UBS is expected to reveal plans on Tuesday to wind down its fixed income business and fire 10,000 bankers, with shareholders cheering one of the biggest bonfires of finance jobs since the implosion of Lehman Brothers in 2008.


The move will focus Zurich-based UBS around its private bank and a smaller investment bank, ditching much of the trading business that saw it lose $50 billion in the financial crisis and one rogue trader lose $2.3 billion last year.


UBS’s rival Credit Suisse said last week it was also making more cost [job] cuts as part of efforts to bolster its profits and capital position.





See: ZURICH | Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:16am IST








The name “UBS” was originally an abbreviation for the Union Bank of Switzerland, but it ceased to be a representational abbreviation after the bank’s 1998 merger with Swiss Bank Corporation.












America died


AUGUST 6, 1945


while giving birth to




which immediately began writing –in blood– its




Asterisks indicate my emphasis.



[ Letter ] / Bretton Woods Redivivus [Revived]  –  PROCEEDINGS AND DOCUMENTS OF THE United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference BRETTON WOODS, NEW HAMPSHIRE JULY 1-22, 1944 Vol. I UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON | 1948  –   UBS set to exit fixed income, fire 10,000 bankers






October 29, 2012


Filed under: news — jaspar @ 7:33 am





10 29 12 Superpower Death Watch









Canadian Aborigines Hail Iran as “Land of Peace”, “Respect for Human Rights”




The following is the full text of the statement by the Canadian First Nations delegation.

I, Terrance Nelson, Liaison for First Nations and Dennis Pashe, Hereditary Dakota Chief, an indigenous delegation, who was invited by the Peace Lovers Society Organization, have completed an exploratory mission to Tehran from October 13th to October 18th, 2012.

We were represented by several Chiefs of First Nations of North America.  Our purpose was to consolidate and promote relations between Iranian and First Nations Peoples through developmental and human rights cooperation and coordination.

We had very productive meetings with the Iranian civil society, universities and human rights institutions.

We were warned not to go to Iran and Western media has consistently tried to de-humanize and demonize the Iranian people.  The people of Iran are nothing like the lies told in Western media.  The spiritual base of the Iranian people has fashioned the mannerism and politeness of the people.

It will be in the report of Dennis Pashe and me to the Chiefs that it is not only safe to be in Tehran, Iranians are willing to open a protocol to work with the indigenous leadership of the First Nations.  My job here on this trip was to clarify the issues and the areas for further cooperation.

As a technician working for First Nations people, a letter of request by First Nations Chiefs of Canada will be sent to OPEC Secretariat and member states, inter alias and the relevant Iranian officials to facilitate a presentation by the Chiefs to the OPEC Nations Summit.

Peace Lovers Society and other interested institutions will work with the indigenous people to identify areas of common interest in relation to studying the Health needs of the Indigenous people. The indigenous people of Canada also request support of health clinics, private diagnostic facilities in First Nations Reservations.

Indigenous people receive no payment for 2.5 million barrels of oil a day sold by Canada to the United States. We call upon the government of Canada to consider the experiences of other countries regarding fair distribution of the natural resources’ income.  The OPEC nations have had similar history in dealing with colonial powers.

Canada has condemned Iran for human rights violation against women.  I found women to be in every area of the civil and political activities and was informed that 70% of the students in Universities are women.  Doctors and scientists in Iran are increasingly women.

In the course of promoting the situation of the secondary education of the student of the indigenous peoples of Canada some of the Iranian universities will study offering opportunities for indigenous students to train in Iran.

Iranian NGOs expressed their willingness to continue exchange experiences and good practices with indigenous peoples and in this regard hold and support an international seminar about human rights of indigenous peoples.

I have informed the Iranian people in several media interviews and in meetings of the issue of the *six hundred murdered and missing indigenous women in Canada.*  They were shocked that such inhuman behavior was occurring in Canada.  The Canadian Indian Act created a system of 60 to 95% unemployment in First Nations communities.  Further, indigenous peoples are deemed to be legally incompetent under Section 89 of the Indian Act, thereby denying them access to financial institutions and banks.

For promotion of a media strategy to facilitate dialogue and understanding of Iranian People and First Nations peoples of Canada, a direct interaction will be created between Iranian civil society and First Nations.

Peace Lovers Society expressed its willingness to invite the Sisters in Spirit (NGO) to Iran.  The Sisters in Spirit are the lead indigenous women organization working on the 600 murdered and missing indigenous women in Canada.

As a whole I want to say that Iran is a land of peace.  I saw in Iran respect for Human Rights and respect for women who participate at all levels of government.  The dynamism of the Iranian society is a proof of this reality.




See: 17:35 | 2012-10-27









The current Chief [of Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation]…was elected for a four-year term in 2009: Chief – Terrance Nelson….”









The Roseau River Anishinabe Nation is an Ojibway-speaking people of the Anishinabe Nation.














There are External links.










Message of Felicitation of the Esteemed Amir-ul-Momineen on the Occasion of the Eid-ul-Odha









As to the future *political* destiny of the country [The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan], I would like to repeat that we are


neither thinking of monopolizing power


nor intend to spark off domestic war


but only try that the future political fate of the country must be determined by the Afghans themselves without *any* interference from big countries [the New Russian Empire, Imperial India] and neighbors [Iran, Pakistan],


and it must be Islamic and Afghan in form.


After the independence of the country, we should have a sharia-based national regime with the help of Allah, the Almighty, which will


bring about a sole central authority and


be free from every kind of discrimination and biases.


Jobs will be given on merits; territorial integrity of the country will be protected.  Security will be maintained, Sharia laws will be implemented, we will guarantee rights of both male and female of the country, build economic structures and strengthen social foundations and facilities of education for all people of the country in the light of the Islamic rules and national interests, conduct all academic and cultural affairs efficiently


and will, with the help of the brave nation, foil the effort of those who harbor the notion of disintegrating Afghanistan and intend to flare up domestic war to achieve their goals.  They should not think that the Afghan people are so simple-mined that they would break off their deep *ideological, cultural, social and historical bonds* among the fraternal ethnicities.


The former [fake] Soviet Union pursued the same recipe of disintegration but the result was contrary to their efforts and they themselves became entrapped in their ploy.


We want to have good relations with all those


who respect Afghanistan as an *independent* Islamic country and


…[whose] relations and approaches are *not* domineering and colonialist.


This is what every independent and Muslim Afghan wants.




Mullah Mohammad Omar Mujahid


Servant of Islam







See: Wednesday, 24 October 2012 18:28















Privatisation should not transfer property from one pocket to another, Medvedev said [October 25th at a government meeting]








“Different options can be considered even though from the legal point of view we have to admit that *the property of a joint stock company is private property* and everyone should remember this.  We are talking about control by the state over equity capital, but *property itself belongs to private companies,*” he said.




He stressed that the transfer of property into trust management for a long term means quasi disposal. “This is what needs attention because privatisation should be privatisation not an attempt to transfer state-owned property from one pocket to another, for this leads nowhere,” Medvedev said.




The government’s privatisation plan includes more than 850 organisations, such as VTB bank, Sovcomflot, the United Grain Company, RusHydro, Sberbank, Rosneft, Rosagrolizing, Rosselkhozbank, Russian Railways Company, and others.




According to the privatisation plans, the government intends to reduce its share in Sberbank, VTB and Rosselkhozbank to 50 percent plus one share before 2013.




“Privatisation will proceed on all fronts.  In other words, we will sell companies that are directly owned by the Russian Federation, companies that belong to Russian regions, and companies that are controlled by the Russian Federation,” [First Deputy Prime Minister Igor] Shuvalov said earlier.








See: 01:34 26/10/2012













How Britain tortured Nazi PoWs: The horrifying interrogation methods that belie our proud boast that we fought a clean war




© by Ian Cobain








Britain has a reputation as a nation that prides itself on its love of fair play and respect for the rule of law.  We claim the moral high ground when it comes to human rights.  We were among the first to sign the 1929 Geneva Convention on the humane treatment of prisoners of war.




Surely, you would think, the British avoid torture? But you would be wrong, as my research into what has [now] gone on behind closed doors *for decades* shows.




It was in 2005 during my work as an investigative reporter that I came across a veiled mention of a World War II detention centre known as the London Cage.  It took a number of Freedom Of Information requests to the Foreign Office before government files were reluctantly handed over.




From these, a sinister world unfolded — of a torture centre that the British military operated *throughout the Forties,* in complete secrecy, in the heart of one of the most exclusive neighbourhoods in the capital.




The London Cage was part of *a network of nine* ‘cages’ around Britain run by the Prisoner of War Interrogation Section (PWIS), which came under the jurisdiction of the Directorate of Military Intelligence.








See: PUBLISHED:17:34 EST, 26 October 2012| UPDATED: 17:35 EST, 26 October 2012





From *Cruel Britannia* by Ian Cobain.  Already published in Poodle UK by Portobello Books.


To be published in The World Tyrant January 15, 2013 by Counterpoint LLC under the title *A Secret History of Torture.*







Australia PM Julia Gillard outlines Asia manifesto




Gillard said she wanted to refocus Australia away from Europe’s “old countries” towards its near neighbours –particularly China and India.


“The scale and pace of Asia’s rise is staggering, and there are significant opportunities and challenges for all Australians,” she said.


With Asia on track to become home to most of the world’s middle class in the next 20 years, this was a moment in history to grasp, said…Gillard during the release of the white paper at Sydney’s Lowy Institute.


While…Gillard *underlined continued strategic ties with the US [The World Tyrant],* her speech *formalised* trends built up during the past three decades in which China has become Australia’s top trading partner, ahead of Japan, the US [The World Tyrant] and South Korea, says the BBC’s Duncan Kennedy in Sydney.


Previous prime ministers such as Bob Hawke and Paul Keating established the first ties with Asia, but the new policy would be deeper and more organised, adds our correspondent.




See: 28 October 2012 Last updated at 01:50 ET
















URL to:







At right of webpage click on:


Australia in the Asian Century White Paper (4MB PDF)




PDFs by chapter


Key points from Chapter 8 “Building sustainable security in the region”:


Australia’s future prosperity and security are inextricably linked to what happens in our region.


The security environment is shifting in response to the region’s economic growth, the change in the strategic power of nations, and the behaviour of non-state actors.


We will promote cooperative arrangements among nations in the region as the economic and strategic landscape shifts.


We support China’s participation in the region’s strategic, political and economic development.


We will work with the United States [The World Tyrant] to ensure it continues to have a strong and

consistent presence in the region, with *our alliance* contributing to regional stability, security and peace.


Global and regional institutions will be central to efforts to develop collective security in the region through building trust and supporting norms and rules.


During our 2013–14 term as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, Australia will ensure that regional perspectives are brought to the Council’s deliberations.


We strongly support the Group of Twenty (G20) -—to be hosted by Australia in 2014—- as an important forum for the world’s leaders to address major economic challenges and opportunities.


We will work within the region to develop the East Asia Summit (EAS) as a crucial regional institution in East Asia so that it can help manage regional challenges, foster strategic dialogue and promote cooperation on political, economic and security issues.


We will strengthen human security by supporting the development of resilient markets for basic human needs -—especially food, water and energy—- and by tackling climate change.

























Pentagon inspector starts [another] criminal probe of contractor







The military’s *top propaganda contractor* in Afghanistan is under federal criminal investigation for its possible role in [a] smear campaign against USA TODAY, according to a letter from the Pentagon’s Inspector General.


The Defense Criminal Investigative Service [already] has an ongoing investigation of Leonie Industries.


That probe followed a USA TODAY story in February that found the owners of the [propagaqnda] company had failed to pay $4 million in taxes on time.







See: 4:26PM EDT October 28. 2012



























America died


AUGUST 6, 1945


while giving birth to




which immediately began writing –in blood– its




Asterisks indicate my emphasis.



Canadian Aborigines Hail Iran as “Land of Peace”, “Respect for Human Rights”  –  Message of Felicitation of the Esteemed Amir-ul-Momineen on the Occasion of the Eid-ul-Odha  –  Privatisation should not transfer property from one pocket to another, Medvedev said [October 25th at a government meeting]  –  How Britain tortured Nazi PoWs: The horrifying interrogation methods that belie our proud boast that we fought a clean war / © by Ian Cobain  –  Australia PM Julia Gillard outlines Asia manifesto  –  Pentagon inspector starts [another] criminal probe of contractor









October 28, 2012


Filed under: news — jaspar @ 8:22 am





10 28 12 Superpower Death Watch











[Putin’s] Meeting with permanent members of the Security Council




to discuss…in particular Russia’s relations with the European Union.




See: October 26, 2012, 13:45 Novo-Ogaryovo, Moscow Region















Kuwait’s turmoil brings rare protest partnership







Kuwait’s importance to the [World Tyrant’s] Pentagon rose sharply after the U.S. [World Tyrant forced] troop withdrawal from Iraq in December.


It is now *the hub* for American [World Tyrant] ground forces in the [Persian] Gulf, where the U.S. [The World Tyrant] and its Arab [puppet] allies seek to counter Iran’s military buildup.







See: Oct 27, 3:04 AM EDT















AP poll: Majority harbor prejudice against blacks








Racial attitudes have not improved in the four years since the United States [The World Tyrant’s One Party] elected its first black president, an Associated Press poll finds, as a slight majority of Americans now express prejudice toward blacks whether they recognize those feelings or not.




Racial prejudice has increased slightly since 2008 whether those feelings were measured using questions that explicitly asked respondents about racist attitudes, or through an experimental test that measured implicit views toward race without asking questions about that topic directly.




In all, 51 percent of Americans now express explicit anti-black attitudes, compared with 48 percent in a similar 2008 survey.




When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56 percent, up from 49 percent during the last presidential election.




In both tests, the share of Americans expressing pro-black attitudes fell.








See: Oct 27, 4:13 AM EDT













Only Destruction Awaits Traitor: KCNA Commentary












The following is the comment of south Korean media:




“A total of 50 persons have been appointed to minister-level posts through 16 cabinet reshuffles.




45 of them had been involved in such scams as real estate speculation, tax evasion, plagiarism in treatise writing, conscription evasion and disguised move to one place from another”.




“And the largest encyclopedia of scandals in history is being compiled by family members and relatives of President Lee [Myung Bak] and those in power.”








See: 10 26 12










Syria Condemns Israeli Aggression on Sudan as Violation of International Law and UN Charter




“This aggression came in the framework of the continued Israeli attempts at undermining the territorial integrity and unity of the people of this brotherly country and destroying its economic capabilities,” the source [at the Syrian Arab Republic Foreign and Expatriates Ministry] said in a statement.


It described the Israeli aggression as a flagrant intervention in the internal affairs of Sudan, stressing that *these attempts were clearly manifested in Israel’s support to the armed groups in Darfur.*


“Israel, in this aggression, has taken advantage of the division among the Arab countries and [the] preoccupation of some of them in


conspiring against Sudan,


supporting the armed terrorist groups in Syria and


making deals with Israel at the expense of the legitimate historical rights of the Palestinian people,” said the statement.




See: Oct 26, 2012

















Pakistan’s Imran Khan says US [The World Tyrant] questioned him on drones







He says the strikes kill many civilians and foster support for militants.


“I was taken off from plane and interrogated by US [World Tyrant] Immigration in Canada on my views on drones.”


the delay meant he missed his flight and a party fundraising event in New York







See: 27 October 2012 Last updated at 05:29 ET





























MPs debate case for [poodle] UK pulling out of European Union








A Conservative MP has likened the UK’s membership of the EU to “being shackled to a corpse” as the Commons debated the case for quitting the union.




Douglas Carswell told MPs that talk of withdrawal was now a “mainstream” rather than a “maverick” view.




His private Member’s Bill would repeal the 1972 act allowing the UK to join the former European Economic Community.




Labour have also raised the prospect of some form of referendum in the future but…the party’s leadership oppose a direct vote [by the people] on whether to stay or exit.




The Lib Dems say a referendum would be a distraction at a time of seismic challenges for Europe








See: 26 October 2012 Last updated at 10:12 ET













Origin of [so-called] Syrian shells into Turkey unclear, US [World Tyrant] general says








It is not clear who is shooting shells from Syria into Turkey, the commander of the U.S. [World Tyrant] Army Europe and Seventh Army, Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling has said, private television channel NTV [reported] yesterday.

“We are not sure if these shells are from the Syrian [Arab Republic] army, from [World Tyrant terrorist] rebels who want to get Turkey involved in the issue or from the PKK [Kurdish Workers’ Party],” he said.








See: October/27/2012











America died


AUGUST 6, 1945


while giving birth to




which immediately began writing –in blood– its




Asterisks indicate my emphasis.



WELL, WADDIYA KNOW… / [Putin’s] Meeting with permanent members of the Security Council  –  Kuwait’s turmoil brings rare protest partnership  –  AP poll: Majority harbor prejudice against blacks  –  Only Destruction Awaits Traitor: KCNA Commentary  –  Syria Condemns Israeli Aggression on Sudan as Violation of International Law and UN Charter  –  THERE IS NO CRIME THE WORLD TYRANT WILL NOT COMMIT / Pakistan’s Imran Khan says US [The World Tyrant] questioned him on drones  –  MPs debate case for [poodle] UK pulling out of European Union  –  Origin of [so-called] Syrian shells into Turkey unclear, US [World Tyrant] general says








October 27, 2012


Filed under: news — jaspar @ 7:36 am





10 27 12 Superpower Death Watch








The ninth annual conference of the Valdai International Discussion Club on The Future Is Being Made Today: Scenarios for Russia’s Economic Development…[was] held on October 21-25 in St Petersburg and Moscow.


[Putin’s] Meeting [October 25th] with Valdai International Discussion Club participants








We have talked at length over the last four days about the crisis in the European Union and Russia’s attitude toward it.  Could you please share your thoughts on overcoming this crisis?






First, as far as the crisis in Europe is concerned, this is ultimately not our problem.  I feel that it wouldn’t even be entirely right for me to comment on all of this, because I have a great deal of respect for my European colleagues.  They are facing extremely difficult economic, social and political challenges, and I do not really want to throw in my own comments which, one way or another, might put some sort of pressure on them.


I can only repeat what I have said at international meetings, and our position is publicly known, so I will not go into details.  I will say the following.  Naturally, what we are seeing now in Europe is a *systemic* [note: NOT systematic] crisis, and it is *not caused bydebt alone.*  I think the problem goes far deeper. It is partially [1] political in nature, partially [2] technological, and partially pertains to problemswith the [3] integration process itself.


[1] As for its political nature, I think it’s on the surface.  To paraphrase Churchill, the current system of power is a terrible system, but it’s the best we’ve got.  Where does it lead to in practice? We all understand that.  A party strivingfor power, promising everything unsparingly.  *That is the nature of today’s civilised world.*  They keep making promises, and then try to fulfil some of them.  If they don’t, that’s it; they stand almost no chance in the next election.  So they do it at any price [= debt].


[2] What should be done *if* the level of development (this is the next problem, a technological one), the level of productive power, the level of technological development and technological structure in today’s world does *not*  allow us to quickly ensure [a] fast-growing and increasing drive for consumption? 


[ State monopoly capitalist overproduction is messing up society –but we’ll call it a technological structure problem! ]


At some [early] stage, this was ensured through technological development [the steam engine], but *it is no longer the case.*  So during such periods, I always recall Kondratyev, our scientist who spoke about long waves of crisis.  It seems this long wave has come. We need a change in technological structure so as to ensure a growing demand for consumption.  And this change in technological structure has *not* yet occurred.


The political system is such that it promises everything, but is not able to deliver.  Citizens are used to living at a certain level, and there is nothing that could convince people in Spain, for example, that they should live the same way as people in rural China.  China is ensuring its growth rates by using technology and a constant flow of millions of workers to large cities.  That opportunity does not exist in Europe.  So what’s the source of growth then?  *Debt, debt, debt.*  They have turned on the monetary printing press.  And these are the results of the problems that lie deeper.  That is what caused the debt crisis.


I think that Germany’s leaders are taking a very pragmatic position that *the systemic problems* which led to this state must *first* be eliminated, and *then* additional resources should be injected. If the opposite is done then the additional resources will simply be dissolved, they will only provide a temporary ‘kick in the butt’Butthere will not be sufficient acceleration in order to overcome the entire distance that would allow Europe to get out of crisis.  Indeed, I think that this is pretty evident.


Yes, of course, the position must be flexible. Naturally, certain monetary measures –-additional issues, attempts to artificially heat up the economy-– have a short-term effect, but you know, that’s like a pill that simply reduces a fever but does not cure the disease itself.


So I think that systemic measures are necessary.  In my view, those are exactly the kind of measures that EU leaders are inclined to use.  And in any case, everyone within the EU leadership –-and the people in all the EU nations in general are very competent and well-versed in economic matters-– they all understand what needs to be done.


[3] The question concerns the political frameworks in which they find themselves, and whether these frameworks give them the opportunity to work in the right direction or hold them back.  As for what our colleagues will ultimately do, that is, first and foremost, a European choice.


As for the idea of Russia joining the EU, we all understand perfectly well that this is not realistic either from the point of view of our size or our economic organisation.  But I think we should most certainly look for means of rapprochement so as to make use of the synergy to be gained from combining the efforts of Russia and its European partners.


Someone like you[, Jozef Olesky,] is already very much aware of the fact that Russia has a highly educated population and a strong base in the fundamental sciences.  We have abundant mineral resources and well-prepared human resources capable of learning new skills quickly.  Look at the way our automotive industry is developing.  Companies have opened up almost overnight and human resources training is rapid and effective.  Everyone I speak with from among the company directors, the heads of German companies such as Volkswagen and others, the Japanese, they all say that they have absolutely no trouble finding local staff and training them very quickly.  This is one of Russia’s advantages.


If we could combine the European Union’s technological capabilities with Russia’s huge territory and the opportunities our country offers, the resulting synergy would be tremendous and would make us all more competitive.  *Sadly, however, we are moving only very slowly in this direction.*


Coming back to an issue I already spoke about before, Russia proposed joint work on a satellite navigation system a few years ago.  Our colleagues expressed interest in the idea but in the end decided not to go ahead.  What is the result? Russia has a fully completed satellite cluster of 28 satellites in operation now, while the Europeans have only launched 5 satellites, as far as I know. But if they had used the opportunities we offered for space launches and our development of the GLONASS system, both GLONASS and Europe’s Galileo system would be working effectively today and would be a real competition for GPS [the World Tyrant’s Global Positioning System].


Would this be a good or a bad thing?  It would be a good thing of course, not because it would let us bite off a piece from someone else’s [The World Tyrant’s] pie, but because it would develop this sector of the global economy in general.  Greater competition would make the sector more effective and give it more weight.  This is just one example.


We have made no progress towards introducing visa-free travel.  Really, this is just laughable. Europe has visa-free travel with some Latin American countries.  Is the crime situation there really any better than in Russia?  Of course not. This is all quite absurd, you understand. I am at a loss really to understand our colleagues’ motivations here.  These are things that are holding back *rapprochement between Russia and the EU,* and this is not a good situation.


Coming now to the Common Economic Space, in large part, we took the integration achievements in Europe as our reference model here.  We do have a few advantages of our own though, because, as many of you no doubt realise, start discussing anything in the EU and the 27 countries with their 27 languages all make for such a bureaucratic nightmare that you feel like you’re never going to make it alive to actually getting to the point of what the various speakers are saying. No one has the strength to sit through it all.  But we have the Russian language that unites us as a natural common language of interstate communication, and this is a huge advantage.


Furthermore, the infrastructure system –-railways, energy sector infrastructure, aviation links-– though we consider it still in need of further development, lays a solid base on which to build integration.  This was our common infrastructure during the Soviet period.  The countries that made up the Soviet Union then inherited its various parts, but we can use it in our common interests. There are railways for example that first cross Russian territory, then enter Kazakhstani territory, then come back onto Russian territory. Indeed, the situation is such that the heavens themselves incite us to integrate, and so this is what we are doing.


We decided that each country would use its national currency.  On the one hand, this is bad because it does not let the ruble strengthen its position, but at the same time it is good, because each country can implement its own economic policy.  When it comes to this area we need to take the European Union’s failures into account.  We need to look at the debt situation there, the macroeconomic situation, the situation with the other main economic development factors, and the effect the common currency has had in the EU.  It seems to me that in terms of their economic development level, not all of the participating countries have always measured up to the demands of the common currency system.


Argentina at one time decided to peg its national currency tightly to the dollar, and they then had great difficulty coping with problems in their main economic sectors.  They were practically unable to carry out any kind of devaluation.  If Greece had still used the drachma they would have been able to devalue the currency in time and might have avoided such serious problems.  This would have been a good signal that macroeconomic corrections needed to be made.  But they ended up with no option other than getting themselves into debt.  And so, before we ever contemplate introducing a common currency between Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus, we would first need to harmonise our macroeconomic and financial policy.


We would need to draw up common and strictly regulated policy with regard to the main economic development factors and only then start looking at the possibilities for introducing a common currency. As it happens, we already use the ruble in a fairly large share of our non-cash settlements with Belarus. We would need to summarise and analyse all of this, look at how our economies are developing, and not just sign agreements, but put in place mechanisms for supervising common economic policy. Only then could we move on to a deeper stage of integration.


I think that Europe, acting out of political [Cold War] considerations, got ahead of itself.  It tried to apply the common rules that could work in developed market economies to countries [in Eastern Europe] that in terms of their economic development level were not yet ready for this.  It is not that the idea itself is wrong, but simply that perhaps it should have been carried out under different conditions.


Finding the solution to this situation however, as I said, is a matter for our partners.  We can but sincerely wish them success and say that we hope they will find the best solution because the EU, after all, is Russia’s biggest trade and economic partner.




See: October 25, 2012, 19:00 Novo-Ogaryovo, Moscow Region














Out of date.






















































President Office issues statement with regard to conflict in Rakhine State







1. In consequences of crimes in May and June, 2012, there occurred riots and arsons between groups of raging peoples, killing 50, wounding 54 and burning down 2230 houses and 14 religious buildings till 14 June.


The incident also left 61,462 people homeless forcing victims to take shelter at relief camps.


2. To bring an [a] quick end to those riots, Rakhine State government issued Article 144 of the Criminal Code of Law in some townships in Rakhine State,


the President declared state of emergency by issuing ordinance in conformity with the constitution and


the government in cooperation with local people as well as Myanmar Police Force and Tatmadaw [Myanmar Armed Forces] took measures to restore the rule of law and community peace and tranquility and as a result, stability could be restored in short period.


The state of emergency was declared under the law with the approval of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw [bicameral Assembly of the Union].


3. Some international organizations made criticism of the case, describing it as the abuse of human rights and even presented [reported the case] to the United Nations, making the Myanmar government …defend against those criticisms through every possible mean[s].


At the same time, the government had to make efforts to acquire humanitarian aids for temporarily sheltering, provision of food and health care and rehabilitation of victims.


4. *Again,* riots erupted in Kyaukpyu, Minbya, Myebon and MraukU townships unexpectedly in Rakhine State, leaving 12 dead, 50 wounded, 1948 houses and eight religious buildings in ashes with substantial numbers of homeless people [up un]till 24 October, 2012.


5. Now [= the current period in our history] is the time when Myanmar has achieved the support and international recognition of its drive for smooth transition in democratization process within the [a] short period of time and when international community is watching ongoing progress in Myanmar with interest.


6. As riots and violence occurred *again*[, they] have a great impact on the national integrity and interest, [so] effective measures will be taken for rule of law and community peace and tranquility with the collaborative efforts of Myanmar Police Force, Tatmadaw and local people.


As *it is learnt* that there are persons and organizations who are conducting manipulation in the incidents in Rakhine State behind the scene, it is announced that they will be exposed and legal actions will be taken against them.







See: 10 25 12







Left column, first item.









PgDn once to see location in Myanmar.


Note that two divisions of Rakhine State –Maungdaw and Buthidaung– abut southernmost Bangladesh.









Click on:


Myanmar States/Divisions & Townships Overview Map















America died


AUGUST 6, 1945


while giving birth to




which immediately began writing –in blood– its




Asterisks indicate my emphasis.



[Putin’s] Meeting [October 25th] with Valdai International Discussion Club participants  –  President Office issues statement with regard to conflict in Rakhine State







October 26, 2012


Filed under: news — jaspar @ 7:35 am





10 26 12 Superpower Death Watch











South Africa labor hero urged crackdown on “criminal” strike




South African millionaire businessman and one-time anti-apartheid hero Cyril Ramaphosa urged ministers to crack down on a violent platinum miners’ strike the day before 34 miners were killed by police, according to emails revealed this week.


The emails cited on Tuesday by a lawyer for miners arrested over the August 16 “Marikana Massacre” are the latest evidence of a *reversal* of historical roles for the 59-year-old, who himself led a historic miners’ pay strike under apartheid in 1987.


As a respected and influential member of the National Executive Committee of the ruling African National Congress (ANC), Ramaphosa has long been touted as a possible presidential contender.


Hailed with Nelson Mandela as a champion of anti-apartheid struggle, the man who was once called “South Africa’s Lech Walesa” now finds himself pilloried as a cold-hearted capitalist in his role of shareholder and board member of Lonmin, the company at the heart of the Marikana dispute.




See: JOHANNESBURG | Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:28am EDT















Lebanese Foreign Minister Meets Syrian Ambassador, [Who] Stresses Need to Coordinate to Foil Attempts to Incite Strife in Region







Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour on Wednesday met Syria’s Ambassador in Lebanon Ali Abdelkarim, discussing with him cooperation between the two countries.


In a statement to journalists, Abdelkarim said that the meeting focused on the fact that the two countries’ security is *a mutual issue* which calls for *coordination, now more than ever,* to foil attempts to incite strife in the region.


He called for thwarting plots to destroy the region *from within* through fostering destructive takfiri [anarchist] mentality, affirming that Lebanon’s stability is in Syria’s interest and that Syria condemns all assassinations, adding that instability in Lebanon benefits [The World Tyrant’s puppet] Israel.







See: Oct 24, 2012















AP Interview: Japan nuke plant water worries rise








About 200,000 tons of radioactive water –enough to fill more than 50 Olympic-sized swimming pools– are being stored in hundreds of gigantic tanks built around the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant.




Operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. has already chopped down trees to make room for more tanks and predicts the volume of water will *more than triple* within three years.




“It’s a pressing issue because our land is limited and we would eventually run out of storage space,” the water-treatment manager, Yuichi Okamura, told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview this week.




There’s also a risk the storage tanks and the jury-rigged pipe system connecting them could be damaged if the area is struck by another earthquake or tsunami.








See: Oct 25, 3:05 AM EDT







Unexpected results: earthquake and tsunami

Expected cover story: Earthquake! Tsunami! Not Us!!











Watchdog faults Treasury, Fed for Libor use, wants alternatives








The U.S. [World Tyrant] Treasury Department and Federal Reserve need to stop using the benchmark interest rate known as Libor in financial rescue programs, as it might not be reliable and could put taxpayer dollars at risk, a federal watchdog said on Thursday.




The special inspector-general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, the bailout vehicle launched during the financial crisis, recommended that the Treasury and the Fed change some initiatives to ensure participating U.S. [World Tyranr] firms use alternatives to the London inter-bank offered rate in pricing billions of dollars in loans.




Libor is intended to measure the rate at which banks lend to one another and is used as a benchmark to set borrowing costs on financial instruments, including derivatives and mortgages.




It has faced heightened scrutiny since Barclays agreed to pay more than $450 million in fines to U.S. [World Tyrant] and [poodle] British authorities to settle charges its employees *rigged the rate to increase profits.*








See: WASHINGTON | Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:06am EDT










Shock drop in [poodle] UK factory orders fuels doubt on recovery




British factory orders posted a surprise fall in October, the CBI’s [Confederation of British Industry’s] industrial trends survey showed on Wednesday, fuelling fears that a recent timid economic recovery may not last.


The CBI’s quarterly survey showed that manufacturers’ sentiment took a hit in the three months to October as companies reported the *worst output performance in three years.*




See: LONDON | Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:19pm BST

















As U.S. [World Tyrant] election nears, efforts intensify to misinform, pressure voters







Two weeks before what could be one of the closest presidential elections in U.S. [World Tyrant] history, efforts to mislead, intimidate or pressure voters are an increasingly prominent part of the political landscape.


Analysts say tactics typically seen in the last few days before an election are already in play.


[B]illboards were put up in mostly black and low-income communities.


Most had a large picture of a judge’s gavel and said “Voter Fraud is a Felony!” punishable by up to 3-1/2 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.


They were paid for by an anonymous group described only as a “private family foundation.”







See: WASHINGTON | Thu Oct 25, 2012 6:05am IST















Supreme Leader’s [Khamenei’s] Hajj Message – 2012












At this juncture, one of the most important issues of the world of Islam, which is tied to the destiny of the Islamic Ummah [the worldwide Muslim community], is *the revolutionary events* of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula,




which has [have] so far resulted in the overthrow of several corrupt regimes that took orders from America [The World Tyrant] and were accomplices to the Zionists [puppet Israel] and




which has [have] shaken the foundations of other such regimes.




Missing this great opportunity and failing *to use it to reform the Islamic Ummah* are a great loss for Muslims.




Currently, all efforts of the aggressive and interfering arrogant powers [The World Tyrant and NATO] have been focused on *diverting* these great Islamic movements from their original path.




In these great uprisings, [1] Muslim men and women rose up against the tyranny of their rulers and the hegemony of America [The World Tyrant], which had resulted in humiliation of peoples and alliance with the criminal Zionist regime [puppet Israel].




[2] They themselves [Muslim men and women] believe that their savior in this *life-and-death battle* was Islam and its redeeming teachings and slogans, and they announced this in a clear voice.




[3] Defending the oppressed Palestinian nation and fighting the usurping regime [The World Tyrant’s puppet Israel] were at the top of their list of demands.




[4] They extended a hand of friendship towards Muslim nations and demanded *unity of the Islamic Ummah.*




These are *the essential pillars of popular uprisings* in the countries that




have raised *the flag of freedom and reform* over the past two years and




have been present in the revolutionary arenas with their hearts and souls.




And these are the things that can strengthen the essential pillars of *reforming the great Islamic Ummah.*  Insistence on these fundamental principles is the necessary requirement for *ultimate victory* of the popular uprisings in these countries.




The enemy’s goal is to shake these fundamental pillars.




Corrupt agents of America [The World Tyrant], NATO and Zionism [puppet Israel] –-through using certain people’s lack of vigilance and superficial outlook-– are trying to divert the flood-like movement of Muslim youth and turn them against each other in the name of Islam.




They [The World Tyrant and its corupt agents] are trying to turn the anti-colonialism and anti-Zionism [anti-puppet Israel] jihad into *blind terrorism* in the streets of the world of Islam so that




Muslims shed each other’s blood and




give the enemies of Islam an opportunity to save themselves from this [their] dead end and




tarnish the name and image of Islam and its soldiers.




After despairing of eliminating Islam and Islamic slogans, they [The World Tyrant and its corrupt agents] have now turned to creating fitna [chaos] among Islamic denominations and they are creating obstacles in the way of the unity of the Islamic Ummah through their plots to promote Shia- and Sunni-phobia.




With the help of their agents in the region, they [The World Tyrant/NATO] create crises in Syria in order to divert the attention of peoples *away from important issues*  of their countries and [*away from the] the dangers* that threaten them, trying to focus peoples’ attention on *the bloody event that they have caused on purpose.*




The civil war in Syria and the killing of Muslim youth at the hands of other Muslim youth are crimes




that have been started by America [The World Tyrant], Zionism [puppet Israel] and governments that take orders from them and




they fan the flames of this civil war.




Who would believe that governments that support[ed]  wicked dictatorships in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya, have now become supporters of the Syrian nation’s call for democracy?




*The* issue of Syria is about taking revenge on a government that has single-handedly stood up against the Zionist regime [puppet Israel] for three decades and has defended resistance groups in Palestine and Lebanon.




*We support the Syrian nation* and we are opposed to any kind of foreign activity and interference in Syria.  Any kind of reform in that country should be carried out by the Syrian people and through completely domestic methods.




That international hegemons [The World Tyrant/NATO] with the help of the obedient regional governments [Turkey etc]




create crises in a country under certain pretexts and




then use the existence of crises as an excuse to justify *any crime they commit* in that country,




is a serious danger and




if the regional governments fail to deal with it, they should expect that it will be their turn to suffer from this plot by the arrogant powers.








See: 25/10/2012




















Syria declares Eid ceasefire, but will respond to attacks










“terrorist groups trying to reinforce their positions by arming themselves and getting reinforcements”








See: BEIRUT | Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:12am EDT


















America died


AUGUST 6, 1945


while giving birth to




which immediately began writing –in blood– its




Asterisks indicate my emphasis.



WHAT IS TROTSKISM ? / South Africa labor hero urged crackdown on “criminal” strike  –  Lebanese Foreign Minister Meets Syrian Ambassador, [Who] Stresses Need to Coordinate to Foil Attempts to Incite Strife in Region  –  AP Interview: Japan nuke plant water worries rise  –  Watchdog faults Treasury, Fed for Libor use, wants alternatives  –  Shock drop in [poodle] UK factory orders fuels doubt on recovery  –  FOR EXPORT OVERSEAS… / As U.S. [World Tyrant] election nears, efforts intensify to misinform, pressure voters  –  Supreme Leader’s [Khamenei’s] Hajj Message – 2012 [excerpt]  –  Syria declares Eid ceasefire, but will respond to attacks







October 25, 2012


Filed under: news — jaspar @ 8:16 am





10 25 12 Superpower Death Watch









Vets say *late pay* from VA [Department of Veterans Affairs] cripples their finances




The VA work-study program lets them work an average of up to 25 hours a week on the VA payroll if they are full-time or three-quarter-time college students.


The program is separate from other GI Bill benefits such as tuition and textbook assistance and a housing allowance that varies by location.


But veterans said those benefits don’t cover all their expenses, and they need a job to make ends meet.


The number of veterans in the program depends on the needs of their schools, and veterans qualify based on their financial need and other factors, the VA said.




See: Oct 23, 5:55 PM EDT















Dow Chemical to slash 2,400 jobs, close 20 plants







The company also plans to slash capital spending and investments.


Dow produces materials used in nearly every business sector and region of the world, leaving it exposed to shifts in global economic growth.


Over the next two years, Dow plans to close certain manufacturing facilities in the U.S. [The World Tyrant], Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain, the [poodle] United Kingdom and Japan.







See: Oct 23, 11:54 PM EDT















Kuwait clears…Iraqi airline settlement








Kuwait’s government has given final approval to settlement with Iraq to end a standoff over Gulf-War-era debts and lift restrictions on Iraqi Airways flying to destinations in the West, Iraq’s government said on Tuesday.








See: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:44am EDT

















Explosions, fire at arms factory in Sudan’s capital [Khartoum]








the fire and explosions…occurred [Tuesday night] at the Yarmouk ammunition factory.








See: KHARTOUM | Tue Oct 23, 2012 7:58pm EDT










Explosion at Yemeni [puppet] military depot [in Aden] kills six soldiers




A Yemeni [puppet] official said the explosion happened while soldiers were working in the warehouse.


It is the second such accident in a week.




See: 22 October 2012 Last updated at 14:55 ET















[Poodle] Britain eyes more “smart defence” deals with U.S. [The World Tyrant] – official







[British trade and security officials are] scheduled to meet with [World Tyrant] Pentagon officials for talks on *expanding* defence trade between the two countries after a bilateral defence trade treaty that was signed in 2007…entered into force in April [this year].


The treaty, the first of its kind, is intended to ease exports of weapons between the two countries by reducing the need for export licenses and other U.S. [World Tyrant] government approvals.


The treaty creates “approved communities” of government agencies and companies that may export and transfer certain U.S. [World Tyrant] items to pre-approved buyers within the United States [The World Tyrant] and [poodle] United Kingdom and to locations where military operations are being conducted or *supported,* according to the [World Tyrant] State Department.


[Poodle] Britain accounts for 70 percent of global defence exports to the United States, and British companies have significant roles on big U.S. [World Tyrant] weapons programs like the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter built by Lockheed Martin and the M777 Howitzer.







See: WASHINGTON | Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:59am BST















Lockheed wins $889.5 million deal for 13 C-130J planes








Since 1999, Lockheed has delivered 270 C-130J aircraft to the U.S. [World Tyrant] military and nine other countries.




The latest order brings its *backlog* to 337 planes on order by 15 countries.








See: WASHINGTON | Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:13pm BST










Eurozone debt hits 90 percent of its economy




In spite of years of harsh spending cuts and tax increases, Europe’s debt problems are getting worse.


Figures from the EU’s statistics office Wednesday showed that, at the end of the second quarter, the total government debt of the 17 countries that use the single currency was worth 90 percent of the group’s total economic output for the year – the *highest* level since the euro was launched in 1999.


According to Eurostat five of the countries that use the euro are in recession – Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Cyprus.


A recession is technically defined as two quarters of negative growth in a row.





See: Oct 24, 9:29 AM EDT















Ford Motor Co. shutters plant in Belgium, lays off over 4000 workers







The US [World Tyrant] auto giant said in an announcement on Wednesday that its factory in Genk in the northeast Flemish region of Limbourg, near the Dutch border, would be shuttered and its 4,300 workers will be laid off.


In a statement issued in Frankfurt, Ford Europe said that the plan will “help to address manufacturing overcapacity stemming from a more-than-20-percent drop in total industry vehicle demand in western Europe since 2007.”







Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:46PM GMT














PgDn once for location map.








America died


AUGUST 6, 1945


while giving birth to




which immediately began writing –in blood– its




Asterisks indicate my emphasis.



Vets say late pay from VA [Department of Veterans Affairs] cripples their finances  –  Dow Chemical to slash 2,400 jobs, close 20 plants  –  Kuwait clears…Iraqi airline settlement  –  WORLD TYRANT/PUPPET ISRAEL PLANES INVADE SUDAN AIRSPACE / Explosions, fire at arms factory in Sudan’s capital [Khartoum]  –  Explosion at Yemeni [puppet] military depot [in Aden] kills six soldiers  –  [Poodle] Britain eyes more “smart defence” deals with U.S. [The World Tyrant]   –  Lockheed wins $889.5 million deal for 13 C-130J planes  –  Eurozone debt hits 90 percent of its economy  –  Ford Motor Co. shutters plant in Belgium, lays off over 4000 workers







October 24, 2012


Filed under: news — jaspar @ 7:51 am





10 24 12 Superpower Death Watch







Speech of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia [the New Russian Empire] S. V. Lavrov in the frameworks of ‘the governmental hour’ in the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Moscow, October 10, 2012


1915 [7:15 pm]-10-10-2012









Unfortunately, right now our western partners are not ready to take the logic of *putting into practice the principle* of indivisibility of security which was fixed in the foundational documents of the OSCE and the Russia-UN Council.


We are not going to revoke our proposals on *how* to make this principle legally binding.


They do not bear commercial character. [= We will not sell out!]


The Russian initiative, although not accepted by others, has already given an impulse to vivid discussions on the possibilities and the way of development of the Euro-Atlantic security models.


The discussions on how to become more effective in the struggle against *real rather than imaginary* threats are underway.  Not only the OSCE member states and foreign policy agencies but *also* cross-sectional policy centres, foreign-policy experts, scientific institutions of France, Germany, Poland, the United States of America [The World Tyrant] and the Russian research centres participate in them.  We highly appreciate the diplomatic efforts made by you and your colleagues for the State Duma in parliament assemblies of the OSCE, Council of Europe, CSTO, UN and during bilateral contacts.


Many *key elements* of our initiative were shown up in the mutual decisions and documents, in particular, in the Declaration of the OSCE Summit in Astana [the capital of Kazakhstan] dated December, 2010.




URL to:







You get “Astana Commemorative Declaration: Towards a Security Community”


Click on: Download the document (44.04 KB).







This document sets a task of building a Euro-Atlantic and Euro-Asian security community *free from* lane markers, conflicts and zones with different levels of security.  These are the proper words.


We want words and deeds to never be at variance.


But, unfortunately, the work in the frameworks of the OSCE goes too slow and the sides use different approaches to practical implication [implementation] of these principles.


We continue working on the idea of triggering the mechanism of *prompt* coordination of Russia and the European Union in the priority subjects of the European security *including* making collective decisions on the crises settlement.


It is about [the] so-called Meseberg Initiative which has been put forward by German Chancellor A. Merkel and supported by President of Russia V. V. Putin.  But some members of the European Union disagree to implement it.  We will continue this work.




URL to Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the European Union:







Ctrl-End to go to end of webpage.


Click on:


(the Merseburg memorandum)









Free press in crisis in Turkey, CPJ [Committee to Protect Journalists] says




CPJ has identified 76 journalists imprisoned in Turkey as of Aug. 1, 2012.  Following a case-by-case review, the CPJ concluded that at least 61 journalists were being held in direct relation to their work or newsgathering activities, the highest global figure in the last decade.


“As tensions between Turkey and Syria *escalate* a choke on information and climate of fear could deter important, probing news coverage,” the report read, continuing that approximately 30 percent of the imprisoned journalists were accused of participating in anti-government plots or being members of outlawed political groups.

Over three-quarters of the imprisoned journalists have not been convicted of a crime, but are being held as they await resolution of their cases




See: October/22/2012









URL to:







Click on Download the full report as a PDF.










Despite tensions, Turks against Syria intervention







A majority of Turkish people oppose *any* kind of intervention in war-torn Syria, a new survey has revealed despite *rising* tension


Among ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) supporters, 27 percent favored “mediation,” while 40 percent of the AKP electorate favored non-involvement and impartiality.


Among the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) electorate, the option of “mediation” was favored by a minor constituency of 6 percent whereas the “non-involvement” option garnered 60 percent support.


The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) electorate also favored the “non-involvement” policy with a 60 percent majority.


The same option garnered 83 percent support from Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) constituents.







See: October/23/2012













“Global leader in opinion polling, political and  social research.  The leading polling company in over 25 countries worldwide.”










[World Tyrant] CIA chiefs face arrest over horrific evidence of bloody ‘video-game’ sorties by drone pilots








The Mail on Sunday today reveals shocking new evidence of the full horrific impact of US drone attacks in Pakistan.


A damning dossier assembled from exhaustive research into the strikes’ targets sets out in heartbreaking detail the deaths of teachers, students and Pakistani policemen.  It also describes how bereaved relatives are forced to gather their loved ones’ dismembered body parts in the aftermath of strikes.


The dossier has been assembled by human rights lawyer Shahzad Akbar, who works for Pakistan’s Foundation for Fundamental Rights and the British human rights charity Reprieve.


Filed in two separate court cases, it is set to trigger a formal murder investigation by police into the roles of two US [World Tyrant] officials said to have ordered the strikes.  They are Jonathan Banks, former head of the [World Tyrant] Central Intelligence Agency’s Islamabad station, and John A. Rizzo, the [World Tyrant] CIA’s former chief lawyer.  Mr Akbar and his staff have already gathered further testimony which has yet to be filed.








See: PUBLISHED:18:30 EST, 20 October 2012| UPDATED: 04:57 EST, 21 October 2012









URL to:











Read the report online here:















Jordanian soldier killed in clash with militants








A Jordanian soldier was killed in clashes with [World Tyrant fake] Islamist fighters trying to cross the country’s northern border into Syria, a cabinet minister said on Monday.




Troops detained 12 [World Tyrant fake] Islamist fighters after the clashes, which occurred overnight, an army statement said.








See: AMMAN | Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:24am EDT










Four killed as Muslim protesters attack Ethiopia prison




Four people were killed in eastern Ethiopia when a group of armed demonstrators raided a police station following protests over alleged government interference in Muslim affairs, an official said on Monday.


Thousands of people have staged *weekly* street protests and mosque sit-ins in the Horn of Africa country’s capital for *nearly a year,* arguing that the government is promoting an “alien” branch of Islam –the Al Ahbash sect– which is avowedly apolitical and has numerous adherents in the United States [The Word Tyrant].


The protesters say the government controls Ethiopia’s highest Muslim body, the Supreme Council on Islamic Affairs, and has prevented long-overdue elections that could bring alternative views onto the Council.


Officials deny interference and accuse the demonstrators of plotting to spread “extremism” [resistance to The World Tyrant] in the country, which is 63 percent Christian and 34 percent Muslim, according to official figures.




See: ADDIS ABABA | Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:32pm EDT















Doctor Shortage Spreading in U.S. [The World Tyrant] Presaged in Las Vegas







Once a problem limited to rural areas, the doctor shortage is now hitting large population centers such as Las Vegas and Detroit where people are forced to wait weeks or months or travel hundreds of miles for care.


Nationwide, there is a shortage of more than 13,000 doctors, according to the Association of American [World Tyrant] Medical Colleges, a Washington-based nonprofit that represents medical schools.


“This is a national problem across the board and it is going to get much worse,” said Christiane Mitchell, director of medical affairs for the AAMC.


“We have an aging population and a whole lot of doctors retiring.  We need to increase the pipeline of new doctors.”







See: Oct 22, 2012 12:01 AM ET















People’s Assembly Condemns the Canadian Foreign Ministry’s rejection [refusal] to Give Entry visa to the Syrian [Arab Republic] delegation to IPU [the International Parliamentary Union’s 127th] Assembly








At a press conference, members of the delegation considered that the Canadian Foreign Ministry’s rejection [refusal] to offer visa indicates to *plotted intentions* by the Canadian authorities to




make Syria absent from this important international meeting and




give no opportunity to show the Syrian viewpoint towards the terrorist acts in the country.




The MPs underlined that this stance is a *dangerous precedent* in the dealing of a host country with members of the IPU which will result [in] negative repercussions on the process of the IPU.




The People’s Assembly said in its speech [statement] that Syria recognizes the opposition[‘s constitutional]  powers as the constitution offers [both] the right of the parties’ legitimacy and political pluralism.




It wondered “is that a revolution which encourages the killing of the Syrian to [by] his brother, instigates sedition, fund[s] or arm[s]  the armed terrorist groups [?]”








See: Oct 22, 2012













The rich bail out of changing hedge fund industry








Rich private investors are turning their backs on hedge funds because moves to attract more conservative pension fund clients mean managers no longer deliver the big returns they [the rich] crave.




The fastest growing source of new money for hedge funds is now pension funds and insurance companies who want managers to go easy on risky trades.




Funds are finding it hard to say no to the big money these investors offer so rich clients are feeling neglected.




The hedge fund industry’s changing investor base has also corresponded with explosive growth in size, leaving rich clients questioning how easy it will be for managers to make money in future.




Global assets in hedge funds now top $2 trillion, far more than the $200 billion or so run in the mid-1990s.








See: LONDON | Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:01pm BST










Majlis bans paying cash subsidies from oil revenues




Iranian MPs approved a bill on Sunday, according to which the [deviationist current] administration will not be allowed to pay cash subsidies from revenues gained through selling foreign currency earned through exports of crude oil and gas condensates.


The MPs said that the administration no longer has the right to spend such sources of income for the purpose of paying cash subsidies, ISNA reported.


Accordingly, the Central Bank of Iran is obliged to deposit the revenues into the treasury on a daily basis.


On October 7, the Majlis approved a single-urgency bill that suspends the implementation of the second phase of the subsidy reform plan.




See: Tehran:19:15

, 10/21/2012














“After the Iranian Revolution of 1979, the Senate was abolished and the Iranian legislature thus became unicameral.


In the 1989 revision of the constitution, the National Consultative Assembly became the Islamic Consultative Assembly.”








America died


AUGUST 6, 1945


while giving birth to




which immediately began writing –in blood– its




Asterisks indicate my emphasis.



Speech of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia S. V. Lavrov in the frameworks of ‘the governmental hour’ in the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Moscow, October 10, 2012  –  Free press in crisis in Turkey, CPJ [Committee to Protect Journalists] says  –  Despite tensions, Turks against Syria intervention  –  [World Tyrant] CIA chiefs face arrest over horrific evidence of bloody ‘video-game’ sorties by drone pilots  –  Jordanian soldier killed in clash with militants  –  Four killed as Muslim protesters attack Ethiopia prison  –  Doctor Shortage Spreading in U.S. [The World Tyrant] Presaged in Las Vegas  –  Majlis bans paying cash subsidies from oil revenues








October 23, 2012


Filed under: news — jaspar @ 7:13 am





10 23 12 Superpower Death Watch







Russian [New Russian Empire] strategic nuclear forces’ exercises


October 20, 2012, 16:30 Moscow








Today, Russian [New Russian Empire] Armed Forces completed exercises of the strategic nuclear forces.


The day before [10 19 12], *the Commander-in-Chief*


examined strategic nuclear forces’ management and


oversaw test launches of strategic and cruise missiles


which reached set targets at various military testing grounds.



Vladimir Putin personally participated in testing


[the] automated communication management system,


[the] *new* algorithms of managing strategic nuclear forces


through practically accomplishing test tasks involving *all* of the nuclear forces’ components, namely long range aircraft, sea and land based nuclear systems.


The strategic nuclear forces’ exercises of such scale were conducted for *the first time* in Russia [the New Russian Empire].


Vladimir Putin gave high assessment to the military units and teams and the General Staff of the Armed Forces, who all *accomplished the tasks set* and proved reliability and efficiency of Russian’s nuclear forces.







Iran Arrests Suicide Bomber at Borders with [Puppet] Afghanistan





“After the Friday suicide operation in Chabahar city (in Southeastern Iran), yesterday [10 20 12], a person intended to cross the border with Afghanistan but was detained by the border guards,” Commander of the Iranian Border Guard Units General Hossein Zolfaqari told reporters on Sunday.

“The person wore a military uniform similar to that of the Iranian forces underneath and covered it with local clothes,” he said, adding that after investigations it was revealed that he aimed to carry out a suicide attack against the innocent Iranian people.

“Based on investigations and interrogations, he was due to enter the country and receive the bombing devices and explosives through subsequent orders,” Zolfaqari said, adding that the terrorist is an affiliate of the Jundollah group –a CIA-backed terrorist organization with a long record in staging terrorist operations in Iran.

He underlined that the detained terrorist was carrying a foreign passport.



See: 13:21 | 2012-10-21





















Location map included (scroll down a bit).




“Chabahar is Iran’s closest and best access point to the Indian Ocean.”












Psst, taxes go up in 2013 for 163 million workers







Social Security is funded by a 12.4 percent tax on wages up to $110,100, rising to $113,700 in 2013.


Half is paid by employers and the other half is paid by workers.  For 2011 and 2012, Congress and Obama cut the share paid by workers from 6.2 percent to 4.2 percent.


A worker making $50,000 saved $1,000 a year, or a little more than $19 a week.  A worker making $100,000 saved $2,000 a year.


The beauty of the tax cut is that is shows up in weekly paychecks, giving workers more money to spend or save.


The downside is that some workers may not notice a $19-a-week increase in pay, making them unlikely to credit the politicians who made it happen.







See: Oct 21, 3:26 PM EDT















Protesters break into grounds of [puppet] Libya’s parliament








About 500 [unarmed] protesters broke into the grounds of [puppet] Libya’s parliament building on Sunday to demand an end to violence in Bani Walid, a former stronghold of Muammar Gaddafi that is being shelled by militiamen from a rival town.




Militias, many from Misrata and *aligned with* the [puppet] Defence Ministry, have been shelling the hilltop town of 70,000 people for several days.




[ The protesters: ]




“There is no God but God, and [puppet] President (Mohammed) Magarief is God’s *enemy.*”








See: TRIPOLI [Libya]| Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:38pm EDT













Low vote turnout, gains by rebels deal blow to [occupied] West Bank leaders








Gains by splittists and a low turnout have dealt a blow to Fatah, the dominant party in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, which had hoped to paper over internal squabbles and a lack of cash with a strong election showing.




The long-delayed elections for control of 94 [occupied] West Bank towns and villages took place on Saturday for the first time in six years and were in many ways a vote of confidence in Mahmoud Abbas, the Western [World Tyrant]-backed president and Fatah chief, and his inner circle.




The powerful Islamist group Hamas boycotted the election and prevented voting in the Gaza Strip, leaving the field largely clear for the mainstream Fatah party, but results released on Sunday showed several party rebels took seats in major cities.




Worse for the leadership, barely half of eligible voters turned out and Hamas backers in the [occupied] West Bank also seemed to have stayed at home.








See: RAMALLAH, West Bank | Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:16pm EDT










Spain’s [Prime Minister Mariano] Rajoy gets mixed message in regional votes




In the Basque Country, the outcome of the vote, as expected, was influenced by central government attempts to reduce provincial power.


The nationalist PNV (Partido Nacionalista Vasco) won with 27 seats, compared with 21 seats for Bildu, a *pro-independence* party, 16 seats for the Socialist Party and 10 seats for the PP [Rajoy’s People’s Party].


It is not yet clear who the Basque nationalist PNV will have to rely on to form a government. Political analysts said it may prefer to team up with the Socialist Party rather than with Bildu, which many see as linked to Basque separatist group ETA [Basque Homeland and Freedom].


Although the PNV has said it would prioritize the economy over autonomy issues, the new political map of the region as well as an expected victory of nationalist parties in another regional vote in Catalonia on November 25 will likely fuel more resistance to Rajoy’s policies locally.




See: MADRID, Spain | Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:27pm EDT















Worst Carry Trades Show Central Banks Reaching Stimulus Limits


“The carry of an asset is the *return* obtained from holding it (if positive), or the *cost* of holding it (if negative)….”














The $4 trillion-a-day foreign-exchange market is losing confidence in central banks’ abilities to boost a struggling world economy.


“Carry had such beautiful, fantastic returns –so alluring, so attractive that I think people got hooked on it like a drug,”…the global head of currency strategy at HSBC Holdings Plc in London, said in a phone interview Oct. 19.


“In today’s zero interest rate policy world peppered with unconventional policies, it is much more difficult and confusing,” he said in an Oct. 12 research report.







See: Oct 21, 2012 7:00 PM ET















India Minister Denies Theft Rampant in $14 Billion Food Program








Indias system of distributing food to the poor isn’t corrupt, according to Food Minister K.V. Thomas, who rejected findings by the World Bank, [India’s] Supreme Court and news investigations that rampant theft is depriving as many as 160 million families of nourishment.




About 5 percent to 10 percent of the food meant for the poor is lost, and that is due to mismanagement, Thomas said in an interview at his office in New Delhi. 




The World Bank pegged the figure at 58 percent, in a 2011 report based on government data,





and blamed it on graft and wastage.


There is “some kind of mismanagement there, I do agree with that, but not to the extent of an alarming stage,” the minister said, growing visibly angry at questions on corruption before abruptly ending the half-hour interview.







See: Oct 21, 2012 2:30 PM ET

















Turkey makes case for buffer zone in Syria [= Turkey makes case for invasion of the Syrian Arab Republic] with dim hopes of success [= distraction]








Overburdened with a swelling refugee crisis from Syria and alarmed by a rising terror threat, Turkey is pushing for an establishment of a buffer zone *within Syrian territory*




to create a *safety enclave* for the civilians fleeing the conflict areas [= distraction] as well as




to *put an effective fight* against terrorists [= *provide a base only* for World-Tyrant-approved  terrorists].


On Thursday [10 18 12], Turkey’s National Security Council MGK, which brings together top civilian and military officials, vowed determination and strong will to protect national sovereignty and territorial integrity amid increasing terrorist activity and escalating tension along the Turkish-Syrian border.




The country, home to over 100,000 Syrian refugees [it says here], has been bracing for much [many] more before the harsh winter sets in in the region.




Yet, the lack of will on the part of the international community [The World Tyrant/NATO] or [of puppet states] in the region for that matter, for creating such zones [more than one!] in Syria has thwarted Turkish efforts to obtain a mandate from the [World Tyrant/NATO] UN Security Council resolution.

“Turkey, as a frontline country in this crisis, has some good arguments for the buffer zone but it does not have the necessary support at this time,” Selcuk Colakoglu, analyst at Ankara-based International Strategic Research Organization (USAK) *told* Xinhua.












See: 07:55, October 22, 2012 [Part 1]






08:04, October 22, 2012 [Part 2]








08:04, October 22, 2012 [Part 3]







Note the 9 minute testing-the-waters hiatus between Part 1 and Parts 2 and 3.








America died


AUGUST 6, 1945


while giving birth to




which immediately began writing –in blood– its




Asterisks indicate my emphasis.



Russian [New Russian Empire] strategic nuclear forces’ exercises  –  Iran Arrests Suicide Bomber at Borders with [Puppet] Afghanistan  –  Psst, taxes go up in 2013 for 163 million workers  –  Protesters break into grounds of [puppet] Libya’s parliament  –  Low vote turnout, gains by rebels deal blow to [occupied] West Bank leaders  –  Spain’s [Prime Minister Mariano] Rajoy gets mixed message in regional votes  –  Worst Carry Trades Show Central Banks Reaching Stimulus Limits  –  India Minister Denies Theft Rampant in $14 Billion Food Program  –  THE CUNNING OF TURKEY = THE DISGRACE OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA / Turkey makes case for buffer zone in Syria [= Turkey makes case for invasion of the Syrian Arab Republic] with dim hopes of success [= distraction]







October 22, 2012


Filed under: news — jaspar @ 7:20 am


10 22 12 Superpower Death Watch



Recommended: “America R.I.P.”

© by Paul Craig Roberts at:





During the second half of the 20th century [1950-1999] the United States was an opportunity society. The ladders of upward mobility were plentiful, and the middle class expanded.  Incomes rose, and ordinary people were able to achieve old-age security.


In the 21st century [2000 on] the opportunity society has disappeared.  Middle class jobs are scarce.  Indeed, jobs of any kind are scarce.  To stay even with population growth from 2002 through 2011, the economy needed about 14 million new jobs. However, at the end of 2011 there were only 1 million more jobs than in 2002.








Police in Azerbaijan arrest dozens of opposition activists




The protest was triggered by a corruption scandal involving a former member of parliament from the ruling Yeni Azerbaijan Party.


Gular Akhmedova, who has been questioned in an extortion case, was stripped of her immunity as an MP.


Azerbaijan is…a transit route for U.S. [World Tyrant] troops in Afghanistan.




See: BAKU | Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:48am EDT












Argentine leader [President Cristina Fernandez] orders evacuation of ship seized in Ghana




Argentina’s president on Saturday ordered 326 sailors to evacuate a Navy frigate that was seized in Ghana to help bondholders [vulture funds] try to recoup debts from the South American country’s 2002 default.


[She] said the crew’s human rights were being violated because the judge had prohibited fuel deliveries to the ship –leaving it without power needed for plumbing, electricity, keeping food fresh and responding to emergencies such as a fire.





See: LIMA | Sat Oct 20, 2012 7:51pm EDT








“Argentine navy chief replaced amid Libertad row” (Item 4) at:











Police Ombudsman investigation into UVF [Ulster Volunteer Force – Occupation Police] collusion claims




The police ombudsman in [occupied] Northern Ireland has launched an investigation into allegations of collusion between the [occupation] police and senior members of the UVF in the Shankill Road area of Belfast.


A special team has been set up to examine why there have not been charges or convictions in a number of high-profile murders.


The most recent killing being investigated was that of Bobby Moffett.


He was shot dead in May 2010.


This followed a dispute with a senior figure within the UVF.


The International [Independent] Monitoring Commission said the murder of the former loyalist prisoner was sanctioned by UVF leaders.


The Shankill Road is home to the leadership of the UVF.




See: 19 October 2012 Last updated at 15:07 ET










“Its first leader was…a former British soldier.”













Analysis: After [World Tyrant’s One Party] House bill, some fear holes in muni protections




A lobbying campaign by the securities industry threatens to water down a U.S. [World Tyrant] financial reform measure that was supposed to protect American [World Tyrant] states, towns and cities from being taken for a ride by financial advisors.


One of the main ideas of the 2010 Dodd-Frank law was to defend the finances of U.S. [World Tyrant] local issuers, which have *often* been hit by fraud and bid-rigging or simply hurt by bad advice.  The solution was to impose a fiduciary duty on financial advisers to make sure they protect the interests of town halls and state capitols around the nation [The World Tyrant].


But the Republican [the One Party]-controlled House of Representatives passed a bill in September that would exempt so many people from the definition that it could create large loopholes.


While the measure, which is backed by the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, may not get approval in the Senate, it could put pressure on the U.S. [World Tyrant] Securities and Exchange Commission, which is still finalizing its definition of a municipal adviser.




See: NEW YORK | Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:41am EDT









Man arrested in connection with Indian Finmeccanica deal probe – sources




In an emailed statement, Swiss authorities said they had asked magistrates to arrest an Italian-U.S. [World Tyrant] citizen on allegations of money laundering and corruption in connection with the supply of helicopters to India by an Italian state-owned company.  The statement did not elaborate.


The man is being investigated in Italy on allegations he was an intermediary in a bribe paid to secure the 560-million-euro Indian contract won by Finmeccanica unit AgustaWestland in 2010, the sources said.




See: MILAN | Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:53pm IST








06 06 12 Superpower Death Watch [Item 1]


Ex-Vatican bank head linked to Finmeccanica probe


Homes [in Piacenza and Milan] belonging to Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, the former head of the Vatican’s bank [the Institute for Works of Religion], were searched by Italian police in connection with a corruption probe into defense technology group Finmeccanica

investigators [had] turned up a number of contacts between him [Tedeschi] and individuals targeted in the Finmeccanica investigation.


See: NAPLES | Tue Jun 5, 2012 6:53am EDT





Also see: Anarchists claim Italy attack, target Finmeccanica

Fri May 11, 2012 8:11am EDT




The group said it planned to target Italian aerospace and defense giant Finmeccanica,…Italy’s second-biggest industrial group, with a string of actions aimed at striking what they called a “murderous octopus”.







Making a killing on contracts: how Italy’s Mafia has plundered EU building funds




AS the spiritual pilgrimage site for the world’s most powerful Mafia bosses, the Shrine of our Lady of Polsi in Calabria’s Aspromonte mountains has long symbolised the lawlessness that still prevails in corners of southern Italy.


Overlooking steep olive groves, the 800-year-old sanctuary has served for more than a century as the venue for the annual general meeting of the ‘Ndrangheta, or Calabrian Mafia, whose *global* crime empire now eclipses even the Cosa Nostra’s on nearby Sicily.


So when local officials decided to a build an anti-Mafia community centre near the shrine – aimed at promoting a “culture of legality” after a particularly bloody Mob feud –the European Union was keen to help out with funds.


Now, however, the 650,000 [euro] “House of Law” has fallen foul of the very problem it was meant to fight.  The project is currently under investigation by an anti-Mafia magistrate, following the arrest in July of a suspected ‘Ndrangheta associate accused of secretly bidding for one of the contracts to build it.


The scandal has caused no great surprise in Calabria, where public sector graft is now as lucrative a racket as drug trafficking and extortion, and where two weeks ago the entire council of the debt-ridden provincial capital, Reggio Calabria, was dissolved on suspicion of Mafia infiltration.


What has raised eyebrows, though, is how Brussels has been willing to hand over vast sums to Calabria and other Mafia-plagued regions of Italy over the years, despite the very real risk of taxpayers’ cash ending up in Mob hands.





See: 6:00PM BST 20 Oct 2012











2 off-duty Fla. officers fatally shoot naked woman




She died at the scene.


The Tampa-area shooting comes two weeks after a naked, unarmed University of South Alabama freshman was fatally shot by a campus police officer after going to the police station there and pounding on the glass.


The shooting has led to protests by students.




See: Oct 20, 11:42 PM EDT











US [World Tyrant] helicopter crashes in Shindand airbase




Officials of Islamic Emirate [of Afghanistan] reporting from Herat province state that a US [World Tyrant] helicopter crashed inside Shindand airbase due to technical difficulties.


The helicopter is said to have crash landed at dusk time Friday inside the mega base, catching fire upon impact and killing all the invaders and crew aboard.


It is worth reminding that a couple of days earlier [10 15 12], a UNAMA helicopter also crashed in Bamyan province due to technical issues, killing all the foreigners and hirelings aboard.




See: Sunday, 21 October 2012 06:28










“The base is of great strategic importance being just 75 miles from the border of Iran.”








America died


AUGUST 6, 1945


while giving birth to




which immediately began writing –in blood– its




Asterisks indicate my emphasis.



Recommended: “America R.I.P.” by Paul Craig Roberts  –  Police in Azerbaijan arrest dozens of opposition activists  –  Argentine leader [President Cristina Fernandez] orders evacuation of ship seized in Ghana  –  Police Ombudsman investigation into UVF [Ulster Volunteer Force – Occupation Police] collusion claims  –  Analysis: After [World Tyrant’s One Party] House bill, some fear holes in muni protections  –  Man arrested in connection with Indian Finmeccanica deal probe  –  Making a killing on contracts: how Italy’s Mafia has plundered EU building funds  –  2 off-duty Fla. officers fatally shoot naked woman  –  HELICOPTERS JUST FALL OVER… / US [World Tyrant] helicopter crashes in Shindand airbase






October 21, 2012


Filed under: news — jaspar @ 7:35 am





10 21 12 Superpower Death Watch







KPA Western Front Command Notifies S. Korea of Possible Physical Strike at Location of Scattering Leaflets


10 19 12






It is the firm will of the army not to overlook any act of provoking the dignity of the supreme leadership of the country and its social system.


The Western Front Command of the KPA [Korean People’s Army] issues [the] following notice upon authorization:


1. Rimjin Pavilion in Phaju City,


[the] location from where the puppet forces made public they would send leaflets


and its surrounding area will become targets of direct firing of the KPA from now.


The location is the origin of provocation which can never be left as it is and a target of physical strike to be immediately blown away.


2. The moment a minor movement for the scattering is captured [observed] in Rimjin Pavilion and in its vicinity, merciless military strike by the [KPA] Western Front will be put into practice without warning.


Scattering of leaflets amounts to an undisguised psychological warfare, breach of the Korean Armistice Agreement and an unpardonable war provocation.


3. South Korean inhabitants at Rimjin Pavilion and its surrounding area are requested to evacuate in anticipation of possible damage.


The KPA never makes an empty talk.







Al-Qaida [Freedom fighters] suicide raid kills 14 Yemeni [puppet] soldiers [wounding more than 20]





Friday’s attack started when four [freedom fighter] bombers, dressed in military uniforms, drove the pickup to the base and opened fire on its [puppet] guards, killing two.


Three of the [freedom fighter] attackers then jumped out of the pickup and started shooting at [puppet] soldiers who had rushed out, awakened by the gunfire


The fourth [freedom fighter] bomber rammed the explosives-laden vehicle into a group of [puppet] soldiers and blew it up.


The head of the [puppet] military police on the base was among those killed




See: Oct 19, 12:36 PM EDT












APNewsBreak: Questions for Medicare in [meningitis] outbreak





The giant health insurance program for seniors long ago flagged compounded drugs produced for the mass market without oversight from the Food and Drug Administration as safety risks.  In 2007, Medicare revoked coverage of compounded inhaler drugs for lung disease.


But Medicare doesn’t seem to have consistently used its own legal power to deny payment, and critics say *that has enabled the compounding business to flourish.*


Now program officials are scrambling to find out how many Medicare beneficiaries are among the more than 270 people sickened in 16 states in a still-growing outbreak that has claimed 21 lives.


“By compounding drugs on a large scale, a company may be operating as a drug manufacturer within the meaning of (federal law), without complying with requirements of that law,” *Medicare’s coverage manual,* a reference for contractors that handle payments, says in a section dealing with compounded drugs.





See: Oct 19, 4:22 PM EDT











44 TSA [Transportation Security Administration] workers at Newark face firing or suspension




The latest action raises to 52 the number of TSA employees at Newark caught up in the investigation, making it the biggest single disciplinary action taken by the TSA at a U.S. [World Tyrant] airport.


The TSA has more than 1,400 employees at Newark, one of the New York area’s three major airports.


The previous biggest disciplinary action taken by the TSA was last year at Honolulu International Airport, where 48 employees were proposed for firing or suspension, also for failing to properly screen luggage.


“I lay the blame at TSA because it’s a bureaucracy that doesn’t know how to manage an army of 65,000 employees.”




See: Oct 19, 11:30 PM EDT









Myanmar to be invited to major U.S.[World Tyrant]-Thai military exercise




[The World Tyrant’s] Pentagon spokesman George Little said in Washington that any Myanmar participation in Cobra Gold would focus on humanitarian relief, disaster assistance and medical programs.


“The United States is open to considering a request from the kingdom of Thailand to have a small contingent of Burmese [Myanmar] military officers attend Cobra Gold as observers,” Little said.


The invitation follows a visit this week by a delegation led by Michael Posner, the U.S. [World Tyrant] State Department’s top human rights official, to Naypyitaw, the capital of Myanmar


The U.S. [World Tyrant] team also included Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense [War] Vikram Singh and other U.S. [World Tyrant] military officials for discussions that U.S. officials *said* focused on human rights.




See: Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:07pm EDT














Pakistan court rules army must stop interfering in politics





In connection with a case dating back to 1996 in which a retired air marshal filed a petition against the army for sponsoring a political alliance, Chief Supreme Court Judge Iftikhar Chaudhry said military intelligence agencies must stay away from politics.


“Such organizations have no role to play in the political activities/politics, for formulation or destabilization of political governments,” he said in the ruling.


“Nor can they facilitate or show favor to a political party or group of political parties or politicians individually in any manner which may lead to his or her success.”


It is not clear whether the decision would reduce the military’s vast power.





See: ISLAMABAD | Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:44am EDT











Muslim protesters fight police in Tanzania, popular cleric [Sheikh Farid Hadi] freed [and  popular cleric Sheikh Issa Ponda arrested]




Muslim protesters clashed with police in Tanzania’s commercial capital *and* on the semi-autonomous island of Zanzibar on Friday


relatively stable and secular Tanzania…[is] east Africa’s second-largest economy.


Dar es Salaam’s regional police commander, Suleiman Kova, said Ponda had been arrested on Tuesday for criminal trespass on private property and inciting followers to commit violence.


Ponda is the secretary general of the Council of Islamic Organisation, a group that vies for influence against the *[secular] government-backed* National Muslims Council of Tanzania.




See: STONE TOWN/DAR ES SALAAM | Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:45pm EDT









Boy dies in violent protests over new Panama land law




At least one person, a 9-year-old boy, died on Friday in violent protests over a new law allowing the sale of state-owned land in a dilapidated port city *within the duty-free zone* next to the Panama Canal.


Several residents and police were also injured in Colon, Panama’s second-largest city, in a third day of protests against the plan, which the National Assembly approved [$$$$] early on Friday and President Ricardo Martinelli signed into law [$$$$] hours later.


About 2,000 companies rent land and employ about 30,000 people in the Colon Free Trade Zone, the largest such region in the Americas.




See: PANAMA CITY | Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:00pm EDT









[Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan] Infiltrator kills 8 hireling police inside check post




A infiltrator Mujahid of Islamic Emirate [of Afghanistan] who had penetrated into enemy ranks opened fire on hireling police inside a check post located in Gerishk district’s Band-e-Barq area.


The successful operation which took place 10:00 pm last night left 8 puppet police dead while the Mujahid safely left the area bringing with himself 1 Pk machine gun, 1 RPG, 2 Ak rifles and 3 wireless communication radios.




See: Friday, 19 October 2012 17:47












Location map included.














[Syrian Arab Republic] Foreign and Expatriates Minister Reviews with [UN envoy to Syria Lakhdar] Brahimi UN Efforts and Facilitations Provided by Syria






Deputy Prime Minister…[and] Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Walid al-Moallem, on Saturday reviewed with UN envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, and…[his] accompanying delegation, the developments and the efforts currently exerted by the UN in Syria on the humanitarian level *and* regarding Brahimi’s mission.


talks also touched upon what is required from the rest of the parties which are undermining the UN envoy’s mission by going on with arming, hosting, training and funding the [World Tyrant’s] armed terrorist groups.


During the meeting, Brahimi presented a review of the most prominent outcomes of the talks he held during his local and regional tour which included a number of the countries in the region.


The two sides discussed the objective and *realistic* conditions for halting violence by any of the parties *with the aim* to prepare the atmosphere for the comprehensive dialogue among the Syrians, viewed by the Syrian government as the only way out of the current situation away from any form of foreign interference.





See: Oct 20, 2012












America died


AUGUST 6, 1945


while giving birth to




which immediately began writing –in blood– its




Asterisks indicate my emphasis.



KPA Western Front Command Notifies S. Korea of Possible Physical Strike at Location of Scattering Leaflets  –  Al-Qaida [Freedom fighters] suicide raid kills 14 Yemeni [puppet] soldiers [wounding more than 20]  –  APNewsBreak: Questions for Medicare in [meningitis] outbreak  –  44 TSA [Transportation Security Administration] workers at Newark face firing or suspension  –  Myanmar to be invited to major U.S.[World Tyrant]-Thai military exercise  –  NAIVETY 101 / Pakistan court rules army must stop interfering in politics  –  Muslim protesters fight police in Tanzania, popular cleric [Sheikh Farid Hadi] freed [and popular cleric Sheikh Issa Ponda arrested]  –  Boy dies in violent protests over new [puppet] Panama land law  –  [Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan] Infiltrator kills 8 hireling police inside check post  –  [Syrian Arab Republic] Foreign and Expatriates Minister Reviews with [UN envoy to Syria Lakhdar] Brahimi UN Efforts and Facilitations Provided by Syria






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